MY OPEN BADGE: avant garde Open Badges-related digital solutions and Badging management support.

MY OPEN BADGE for Companies

Competences Management
Acquired Badges allow to quickly identify employees’ skills. Moreover Badges enable to better plan employees’ training paths and personal development.
Motivational Drive
Badges can be assigned to whoever reaches specific milestones, whoever is involved in specific projects, whoever attends training courses and whoever passes tests and exams.
Obtaining Badges actively drives employees who feel proud and strengthen their self-esteem.
Meritocracy-based Policies
Strengthen meritocratic policies which can match-up with the acquired Badges.
Circulation of Badges issued by any Company enables the growth of its own on-line presence where Badges are published, allowing to gain new Clients, new opportunities and new professional contacts.
A powerful recruiting tool. Badges allow to easily check candidates’ competence and skills.
MY OPEN BADGE for Training Institutions
Training Programs’ reliability
Attendance Certificates can be issued to all attendees as Open Badges which include a detailed description of both the training programs and of the achieved results.
Certification Programs
Badges can vouch the completion of certification programs. They do so giving out learning performance acknowledgements and upholding permanent learning processes.
Badges motivate attendees to pursue personal and professional improvement through training programs. Then Badges help you to stand out in the professional world.
Indirect Marketing
Badges are also an indirect marketing tool as all details of Companies or Institutions are embedded in the Badges themselves. This data gets automatically shared when the Badges owner shares them, spreading the Issuer’s on-line visibility.

Training Institutions
MY OPEN BADGE for Schools and Universities

Schools and Universities
Active participation
Badges can give visibility and recognition to both research activities, educational planning and training carried out by the tutors. Badges, in fact, have the ability to motivate them in actively taking part in the planning relating the training of the pupils.
Badges can be used to assign students both curricular as well extra-curricular activities awards. This results in a more detailed student profile compared to what is achievable with ordinary grades.
Increase the motivation to learn: Badges can be a rewarding system to show and share their personal achievements.
Training Credit Units
Badges are a useful tool to assign Training Credit Units as well as to verify them.
MY OPEN BADGE for Non-profit Organizations
Badges are a convenient and effective tool to certify membership to any Association while allowing at the same time to distinguish between different membership profiles.
Badges can pro-actively motivate members to chose to better themselves and their skills through active participation to the Association’s training programs or thanks to their active commitment to the Non-profit Organizations.
Training Programs Visibility
Badges give Associations a high visibility to their ongoing Training Programs. They also attest all achieved goals in relation to the Training Credit Units available for the attended courses.
Badges help to effectively sum-up and measure performance and results gained by any Association. These can then be used to promote activities within the Association itself or to request and obtain new funds.

Non-profit Organizations
What we offer

End-to-end processes to manage Open Badges and digital credentials

Training in the effective use of Badges within organizations, aimed at professionals

Technical Support for the creation of Badges-related ecosystems

Co-operation in the Training Programs planning to align skills within the organization

Technical support in designing an implementing evaluation systems aimed at skills acquisition

An API system to create and issue Open Badges